111 BS - Human encountering Horse

-Begegnung zwischen Mensch und Pferd - L'incontro tra uomo e cavallo - Rencontre entre l'homme et le cheval - Srečanje med človekom in konjem


In fact, there were an incredible 59 residents that you Lions have made happy. Next time even more, because then we will dare to bring even the most seriously demented residents for a short encounter.
The report is beautiful. (Monika Sandbichler Managing Director, Facility Manager)

LC Waginger See of District South Bavaria received from ALC a support of 20.000€ to implement a project for elderly people, called "Man encountering Horse", dedicated to people in the last phase of their life in long-term care centres and nursing homes. The project involves guided encounters between horses and elderly people, in distance or, if desired, in close proximity to the animal. A horse feels with extraordinary sensitivity in front of a person, who needs care, affection and closeness. The effects are extraordinary: Demented patients wake up, speak, smile, touch the animal. Some of them approach such a large animal for the first time, others talk about their memories of living and working with horses in the countryside. The selected animals are brought to the facilities accompanied by specialists for about three hours. In view of the beneficial effects and the joy of the older people involved, a series of meetings is planned, as shown in the enclosed information.

Time to encounter: Horse visit at St.Martin retirement home...

To launch the project on August 20, 2019, Beate Schwarz and Yuriko Gerullis visited the Sankt Martin retirement home in Waging am See, accompanied by horses. Home Manager Hubert Sailer and Head of Quality Management Nadine Albrecht, together with her team, arranged this extraordinary encounter in the garden of the home.
There were many wonderful moments. Some of the residents preferred to watch the horses from some distance, others used to have horses, for example at their parents' farm, and talked about their memories.
The encounter and also touching the big, gentle animals was enjoyed by all persons present and also the nursing staff confirmed a positive effect for the residents.
Unfortunately, the photos (many thanks to Franz Schwarz) are only showing the end of approximately 3 hours, a total of 30 - 40 residents were accompanied by the nursing staff into the garden.
A follow-up event has already been planned.

A visit to the district home for the elderly in Palling

With beautiful autumn weather, a considerable number of seniors were already waiting for the visitors ...
The small path in the garden of the home was lined with wheelchairs and seats, and Justy and Pepper were allowed to greet all residents who were present.
Mrs. Kalla, head of social care and the whole care team accompanied the "time of encounter".
Two ground-level rooms with residents who could not leave their beds but wished to be visited by the four-legged friends were also welcomed by horses.
It was wonderful again. Many thanks to the Kreisaltenheim Palling and Franz Schwarz for the photos.

A visit to district home for the elderly in Trostberg was full of beautiful moments...

The welcome with the words "...we are already very excited" was warm and because the December temperatures lured only a few of the residents out, some of the seniors waited in two community rooms. Bright faces and big eyes, but also respectful reservedness could be seen among the residents when the two furry visitors (Justy & Pepper) entered into the rooms.
We were very pleased that the president of the Lions Partner Club Traunstein, Konrad Baueregger, was also present.
Mrs. Becker's nursing team had arranged this "time of encounter" and we are sure that the visit will be remembered by all participants for some time to come.
We will gladly accept the invitation to come again next spring, then the horse guests will probably not eat up any fir twigs or Christmas decors ...

111-BS ALC_Foerderungsantrag_2019-20 5 en.pdf
111 BS ALC-Projektbeschreibung 2019-20 en.pdf



Mental relation between horse and aged, healing for good