Lions World Convention in Milan 2019
District 108IB1 (2019), District 114 W (2020), District 111 BO (2021)
Training of three guide dogs for the ALC districts at the Lions Guide Dog School in Limbiate
Formazione di tre cani guida per i distretti ALC presso la scuola per cani guida Lions di Limbiate.
Ausbildung von drei Blindenhunden für die ALC-Distrikte in der Lions-Blindenhundeschule in Limbiate.
Izobraževanje treh psov vodnikov za okrožja ALC v šoli psov vodnikov Lions v Limbiateu.
Formation de trois chiens d'aveugle pour les districts ALC à l'école de chiens guides Lions de Limbiate
First Dog: Dedicated to District 108IB1 in 2019
The guide dogs project was presented by me in the year 2018/19 to the Board on behalf of Ib1 and approved to be carried out in three years and in three districts: the first in Italy at the Lions International Convention in Milan and assigned to a blind person of the Valtellina, my land; the second in Austria and the third in Germany. - Norberto Gualteroni
Second Dog: Dedicated to District 114W in 2020
The handover of the second dog was postponed because of Covid19
Everything stood on very uncertain legs due to the pandemic. So the applicant for one of three guide dogs was originally justifiably afraid to travel to the crisis area near Milan to get to know the dog and for the first training sessions.
DG Elisabeth Bacher Bracke was able to make contact with the lady, and a visit was made to Imst. Result: as soon as it will be possible, a trip to Limbiate (near Milan) will take place to establish the compatibility between the lady and the dog.
A two hours conversation between the lady and the instructor, as well as the psychologist is required. After that, human and dog meet. If everything fits, then the training of the dog will last a few months. Finally, the handover includes a week of training together; probably during fall 2020.
Governor Elisabeth Bacher-Bracke and ALC Secretary General PDG Albert Ortner are in close contact to make the project a success.