Council Members - Vorstand - Consiglio - Odbor - Conseil d'administration 2022/2023

You can click on Districts and members  for information and contact

Delegate  108IB1 

PDG Norberto Gualteroni 

PDG Prof.Dr. Klaus Letzgus

District 111-BS Deutschland

PDG Libero Zannino

District 108 IA1 

Piemont, Italia

 Vice Delegate 108TA1

PDG Albert Ortner

PDG Guido Cella, 

District 108 TA1 Italy (Alto Adige, Trentino, Verona, Vicenza)

 Vice Delegate  114W

PCC Karl


Delegate 129Slo

PDG Branko Dolenc

Current Governors and Delegates of Member Districts 

You may click on Districts and members  for more information

DG Jürgen Koschinsky

District 111- BS Germany

PDG Klaus Letzgus

District 111-BS Germany

DG Wilhelm Siemen

District 111-BO Germany

PDG Sabine Rappel

District 111 BO Germany 

DG Gerhard Pockenauer -Gramiller District 114- West Austria (Kärnten, Salzburg, Tirol,Vorarlberg

3.VDG Thomas Lang

District 114-West Austria Vorarlberg

DG Hubert Gärtner 

District 114M Austria (Steiermark-Ober-österreich)

Distrikt 114M Österreich (Steiermark - Oberösterreich)

DG Nino Maletic  

District 129


PDG Branko Dolenc

District 129


DG Giorgio Barbacovi
District 108TA1 

Alto Adige, Trentino, Verona, Vicenza Italia

PDG Guido Cella, 

District 108 TA1
Alto Adige, Trentino, Verona, Vicenza Italia

DG Eddi Frezza

District 108 TA2 

Padova, Rovigo, Treviso, Venezia

PDG Angelo Della Porta
District 108 Ta2
Padova, Rovigo, Treviso, Venezia

DG Giovanni Nardelli 

District 108-TA3 Friuli V.G., Belluno, Treviso

PDG Roberto Adami

District 108-TA3 Friuli V.G., Belluno, Treviso

DG Gerolamo Farrauto

District 108 IA1   Piemont, Italy

PDG Libero Zannino

District 108 IA1 

Piemont, Italy

DG Gino Ballestra

District 108 IB1 

Sondrio, Italy

PDG Norberto Gualteroni

District 108 IB1 

Sondrio, Italy

Technical Assistants

PDG Sabine Rappel

District 111 BO Germany 

PDG Nadja Pahor Bizjak

District 129 Slovenia 

PDG Klaus Went

District 114 W Austria

Birgit Rastetter 

District 108 TA1 Alto Adige, Trentino, Verona, Vicenza

ALC is located in Bolzano (District 108 TA1 Italy) in the office of the Honorary President, Past District Governor (PDG) LF Albert Ortner.

ALC is managed by a Board of Directors, whose members consist of one delegate per member district, appointed according to the rules of every individual Lions district for a period of three years. Their re-election is possible for another period.

Their participation is free of charge except for the reimbursement of expenses, which must be approved in advance by the sending district. This board of directors constitutes the board of ALC.

The respective district governor is free to attend the meetings of the Board.

The meetings of the Board shall be open to all Lion members of ALC member districts, unless a majority of the Board determines otherwise. However, they do not have the right to speak or vote, except to present an activity or when specifically requested by the President of the Board.

Responsibilities of the Board are: